By Dennis Prager -
As I have noted repeatedly, liberalism and leftism have virtually nothing in common. In fact, leftism is the enemy of liberalism — as a handful of liberals such as former New York Times writer Bari Weiss, former Young Turk Dave Rubin and others have come to recognize.
The Left has never believed in free speech and has suppressed dissent wherever it has assumed power. Free speech is a pillar of liberalism, and it has always embraced dissent.
The Left rejects the anti-racist ideal of colorblindness. Colorblind is the liberal racial ideal.
The Left supports racial segregation — such as all-black dorms and separate black graduations. Liberals have always advocated racial integration.
The Left has always loathed capitalism. Liberals were always major advocates of capitalism — recognizing that only capitalism has lifted billions of people out of poverty.