By Nancy Thorner –
Below is a Romanian refugee from communism under Nicolae Ceaușescu speaking. For your reference, here is a brief primer on Ceaușescu, so you aren’t one of those whom, as philosopher George Santayana wrote about, Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.
This ordinary, salt of the earth trucker sees very similar tendencies in Mr. Trudeau as he saw in Communist Romania, evident in the words he used, unfiltered by the rich media elite.
The Romanian trucker illustrated exactly and precisely why the Deep State elite, the WEF, George Soros, Bill Gates, et al will lose. As a microcosm of a much larger truth, the key point is such: the elite do not have the human terrain.
As the trucker said, “Just as the Soviets and Ceaușescu did not have their people’s hearts or minds, the elite are even uniting the Quebecois and the English to throw off the common oppressor.”
As for uniting the French and the English in Canada after hundreds of years of animosity, only the arrogant elite in their echo chambers could accomplish as much!
Not only are the elite, under puppet master Trudeau, uniting French and English, they are even uniting Americans and Canadians. Worse yet, they are even losing their own.
Trudeau's overreach
Here is RCMP Corporal Bulford – who was directly on the detail personally protecting Trudeau – speaking live while resigning from his position in the Mounties due to elite overreach.
Infringements on fundamental freedoms
Think of Thomas Jefferson actively speaking out about those corrupting the U.S. Constitution that he, Jefferson, himself wrote.
Mr. Peckford explicitly said the exact same thing as RCMP Corporal Daniel Bulford, that the Trudeau government has failed to demonstrably justify their infringements on our fundamental freedoms.
Other rights that are being violated, per Mountie Bulford in the link above, are our rights to enter and remain in Canada; the right – as enumerated in Section 8 – against unreasonable search and seizure; and the right to life and liberty.
Regarding personal medical information, Corporal Bulford notes that even if he needed, in his official capacity as a Mountie, to get medical information from a victim of a crime, he had to get consent from a hospital, or get it from a difficult to obtain judicial warrant.
But not anymore. Under Marxist puppet Trudeau, all your rights are gone. Finis.
Canadians also have a right against being arbitrarily detained, such as in the detention facility outside of Saskatoon, SK in operation right now to detain Covid “untermenschen.”
Bulford adds that Trudeau’s government has engaged in a gigantic overreach into the fundamental freedoms of every citizen in the country.
Concludes Bulford: I have drawn my line in the sand. No more silence and compliance from me.
Lawsuit filed
Judgment for Trudeau?
Here is former premier Peckford speaking live. Listen, then make your own judgement outside of the fake news that prevents many Americans from hearing the truth, which likewise rings true with the Canadian press.
Trudeau returns from hiding
“It has to stop,” Mr Trudeau said during an emergency debate in the House of Commons
“This pandemic has sucked for all Canadians,” he said. “Everyone’s tired of Covid, but these protests are not the way to get through it.”
He added: “But Canadians know the way to get through it is continuing to listen to science, continuing to lean on each other.”
If truth be told
All the truckers want is a return of their freedoms, as they continue their peaceful Trucker Convoy Protest in Ottawa, Canada.