Born in Bulgaria, Martin Goshev a student assisted by the IL DREAM Act tells his story HERE
SPRINGFIELD – Two Republican state senators – Christine Radogno and Chris Nybo – crossed the aisle last week to support the Democrats' effort to provide taxpayer-funded financial assistance for undocumented immigrant students.
The measure would add Illinois to the five states that grant immigrant students financial aid for college education regardless of their legal status. Already, Illinois is one of 18 states that allows any status immigrants to qualify for lower in-state tuition and set up private college funds.
SB 2196 easily passed the Illinois Senate 30 to 19 last Wednesday, and could be heard in the House Higher Education Committee Tuesday.
Illinois was the first state in the country to create a private scholarship fund for undocumented youth. It also eased the path to higher education for undocumented youth, 65% of whom come from households that earn 200% under the poverty line.
The original Illinois DREAM Act, which passed when Governor Pat Quinn was in office allowed anyone with a taxpayer number, including undocumented students, to participate in the State Treasurer’s College Savings Pool and the Illinois Prepaid Tuition Plan. These programs allow families of "DREAMers" to save for their children’s college education, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrants and Refugees reported to their members.
The law required the IL Student Assistance Commission to establish an Illinois DREAM Fund Commission administered by volunteers of the State appointed by the governor. The IL DREAM scholarships are funded entirely by private donors and contributions.
SB 2196 will allow students to receive financial aid subsidized by state taxpayers.