WASHINGTON DC – Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (IL-09) led in the 24 hour plus U.S. House sit-in of Democrats demanding votes on gun legislation that could not get out of House committees. But while she was sitting on the U.S. House floor, she not only tweeted out photos and comments, she attempted to raise funds from the House floor.
A Breitbart story explains:
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), who participated in the protest, sent a message to supporters while literally on the House floor, using the left-wing fundraising platform ActBlue (emphasis added):
I’m asking you while sitting here on the House floor: Will you support our fund to elect public servants willing to stand up to the NRA? We need to take action immediately. We won’t be able to make real change until the NRA-funded obstruction is over. That’s why we need a change in Congress. Chip in right now to help us make that happen.
House Ethics Committee rules specify that congressional resources, including the physical space of the building itself, may not be used for political fundraising (original emphasis).