Leftists also protested outside Northwest Suburban GOP event | Photo by Mark Weyermuller
CHICAGO – What's become to be expected outside Republican events in Democrat- controlled Chicago is angry Leftists, and Friday night it appears they'll be on hand to disrespect Republicans once again.
Leftists – that control the whole city of Chicago, the vast majority of Cook County, and a substantial part of the state legislature – is upset that there are a few Republicans trying to offer an alternative?
"What are they protesting, exactly?" a defiant Chicago GOP Chairman Chris Cleveland told Illinois Review. "That Republicans exist in Chicago? They'd better get used to it."
The Northwest Side GOP will be holding a "We-Bellion Bash" featuring radio talk show host Joe Walsh Friday night at 6:30 PM at the group's new Club House – Office, located at 6122 North Milwaukee Ave in Chicago, Illinois.
Via Facebook, the angry Left is calling for protestors to show up and it appears 100 or so may be planning to join.