WASHINGTON – Monday, a group called "Informed Immigrant" launched with a new training video counseling illegal immigrants about how to prepare and respond to immigration authorities at their doors.
A pre-teen girl's voice starts with, "I know we've all been worried since the election, but yesterday in class my teacher handed out some materials called 'Know Your Rights' and reading through them made me feel more prepared…"
And the video goes on for over seven minutes to prepare illegals for confrontations with federal officials – a new fear since Donald Trump became president.
"At a time of much uncertainty for immigrants in America, Informed Immigrant’s training video aims to empower community members to learn their rights both inside and outside of the home, and to inform them of basic steps to prepare themselves and their families in case of separation," the group said in a statement.
The new video has been put together by several immigration groups who came together two weeks after the 2016 presidential election to share the resources produced by immigrant-organizing and servicing community groups.
In partnership with a number of organizations such as FWD.us, NILC, America’s Voice and TheDream.us, Informed Immigrant includes FAQs vetted by immigration attorneys, information on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), legal service provider search tools, “Know Your Rights” materials, community organizing toolkits, family preparedness plans, and a list of local immigrant-serving organizations in all 50 states.
The video involves children in protecting their parents in America illegally from law enforcement officials, and provides a legal checklist in the case of arrest or detainment.