DuPAGE County – Sean Casten – the Democrat Barack Obama endorsed last week for IL's 6th CD, where he is challenging Illinois' incumbent Congressman Peter Roskam – appears to be seething with political rage because it's coming out in his stump speeches.
Apparently, the former president – who is hitting the campaign trail and expected to come to Illinois to promote his endorsed candidates – also endorses Casten's extremist rhetoric and hysterical, unfounded accusations against Republican elected officials.
This is the same Sean Casten that said during a debate with Peter Roskam that abortion should be viewed as "a medical procedure like gall bladder surgery."
Last week, Casten compared President Trump to Osama Bin Laden.
Now videos of Casten stump speeches before the Blue Movement bubbling up in DuPage County have hit national media sources. The Washington Free Beacon posted a disturbing video of Casten saying there are "Nazis and racists in the White House."
These outrageous Leftist statements makes one wonder when Casten will be recorded endorsing socialism.
Polling says Roskam is leading by a mere point.
AFTER THOUGHT: Here's Casten's response to Obama's endorsement:
“I am humbled and honored to be supported by Illinois’ own, President Barack Obama” said Casten. “Like many, I miss a President who put facts over politics, brought affordable health care to millions of Americans, protected a woman’s right to choose, and created 75 straight months of job growth.”
“And as President Obama did, I believe in representing all Americans and take pride in the fact that so many Americans of all colors, genders and political persuasions are standing up for what’s right. From the Women’s March to the March for Science to the Parkland students, we are seeing people all over the country whose response to injustice is not to fold up their tent, but rather to fight for our founding principles. The arc of history is still too long, but it continues to bend in the right direction. Obama showed us how great we can be, and I look forward to continuing to advance his – and our – collective agenda.”