Dick Durbin with Sean Casten – MySuburbanLife.com photo
WHEATON – Democrat freshman Sean Casten – who now represents once-conservative voting DuPage County's 6th CD – is getting a boost from Democrat US Senator Dick Durbin in Casten's first re-election bid.
Durbin points to the 2020 election as a possible turning point for the nation. The senior US Senator from Illinois is pushing for a Blue Tidal Wave that would sweep Democrats into control in the US House, US Senate and the US presidency next year.
Monday, Durbin reached out to Casten supporters, begging for contributions to Casten's already million dollar campaign fund. He pushes for policies that promote climate change, immigration reform and a healthy economy… despite Trump's US workforce being the busiest in US history:
There are moments in our history that we can point to and say, “This defined our country.” We are in one of those moments.
Our country is at a tipping point as we push back on leaders who refuse to accept the gravity of climate change, the need for comprehensive immigration reform, or the importance of an economy that works for everyone — not just those at the top.
That’s why we need leaders like Sean in Congress, where Democrats are the only check we have against an Administration that denies our country’s biggest challenges.
Then Durbin goes on to attack "right wing" challengers that are now in the 6th CD race:
Right now, Sean is facing a defining moment in his campaign: He is up against the first FEC end-of-quarter deadline since a second rightwing opponent announced their candidacy against him.
Sean was the first Democrat to flip this district in 46 years — National Republican groups are eager to flip it back.
Now that he has two challengers, they’ll put millions behind his opponents as part of their plan to retake the House. Sean and his team need our help gearing up for the long fight ahead to protect this battleground district.
Obviously, Durbin isn't worried at all about a healthy challenge of his own in 2020. He's seeking re-election and while there's several that have said they are running as Republicans, none of them have shown the ability to race funds to take Durbin on. Perhaps that will change as the quarter ends September 30th.