For the past 20 years, alarmists have claimed the ocean currents are slowing down and global warming is to blame. Alarmists backed up their claims with computer models they claimed predicted and replicated the slowdown. Slower ocean currents, they claimed, would alter African and Indian rainfall patterns and impact Atlantic hurricanes. As recently as 2019, alarmist “studies” claimed ocean currents had declined to their slowest pace in 1,600 years.
The latest scientific research, however, shows ocean currents have actually been speeding up during the entire time that alarmists claimed global warming was causing slowing ocean currents. Now that evidence shows no slowdown happened, alarmists claim their computer models have always predicted that global warming would cause faster ocean currents.
Alarmists can’t have it both ways, and they lose all credibility by trying to change their story. Ocean currents could not have been both slowing down to record lows during the past 20 years while also speeding up at the same time. When alarmists thought ocean currents were slowing down, they told us this was disastrous and their computer models predicted this would happen due to global warming. Now that we know ocean currents have actually been speeding up, they tell us this is disastrous and their computer models predicted global warming would cause accelerating ocean currents. Alarmists once again are dishonestly altering their claimed “crisis” to fit the evolving scientific evidence.