By Nancy Thorner & Bonnie O'Neil -
There continues to be undeniable proof that many news sources can no longer be trusted with reporting the facts, but instead they resort to opinion journalism. Unfair and biased reporting must be exposed, especially when the news involves politics.
Consider how CNN avoided covering the accusations by Tara Reade, who over a month ago accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her. This avoidance of coverage occurred despite an interview with Tara Reade’s friend who says she was told about Biden’s assault.
Politicians, of all people, should avoid anything that might cause them to be vulnerable to blackmail, especially one who is a candidate for president of the United States who already has many questionable activities in his background. Lack of virtue could also provide a window into an elected politician's character. Consider if a foreign agent had evidence of a deep dark secret of a public official. The risk this poses cannot be ignored by voters.
Responsibility of Voters
While it is important for every eligible voter to vote, it is more important that educated voters vote. Many voters tend to trust partisan flyers that are produced and distributed by specific candidates. Few flyers are designed by unbiased research groups, mandating that political literature of all candidates be carefully examined, lest voting for candidates not be based entirely on mailers.
Verifying facts can easily be done by basic research, which might involve attending the candidate's open house events and/or inquiring of trusted friends who are known for keeping in touch with political issues. Chances are that opponents will be the first to provide negative facts. This can potentially be a first alert to what should be double checked. If the opponent does not dispute his/her opponent’s statements, they most likely can be trusted as factual. The Internet can also be checked for facts, although social media outlets such as Facebook and Google lean heavily to the Left in their dissimulation of material.
As potential voters all tend to be overwhelmed by what often seems tons of campaign literature, few want to take the time necessary to investigate each candidate and/or proposed law on the ballot. In that politicians know this, they take advantage of the public's oversight to exaggerate, even fabricate, their qualifications and/or what they will do for us if elected, knowing few voters follow up to see if election promises have been kept. Perhaps, rather than continue to make a person feel guilty if they don’t vote, we should design a message to express the importance of voting. Citizens who do take the time to thoroughly study their ballot do not want anyone who guesses to cancel their exhaustive, time consuming study of the facts.
Importance of Fact Checking
As we head into another election in November, issues will arise as to a candidate's honesty, but this should not be used as an excuse not to vote. Now days there are few acceptable reasons not to vote, due to the amount of time given to cast ballots and various ways by which to submit ballots. While some excuses were understandable in the past, they no longer are acceptable. Government has made voting prior to an election easy to do.
Newspapers, television, and radio likewise provide extensive avenues for voter information. Mail-in ballots have also made the process much easier, but beware! Mail-in ballot voting is fraught with voter fraud. Experts are warning that a mail-in voting system, called for by Nancy Pelosi for November’s elections, would be massively susceptible to fraud.
Although it's the responsibility of voters to investigate candidates to vote their conscience, Americans are busy with their own personal matters, their job, careers, and family. It doesn't help there exists a media bias. For the sake of our democracy, “we the people” must be able to trust media sources for facts and honesty, rather than biased reporting based on a political agenda. Understood by many Americans is that the mainstream media acts as a shrill for Democrat Party policies; however, having different TV channels from which to select programming is still a priority we have living in a free nation. \
Mainstream Media Deception
Not surprising is that the same media who intentionally looks for any fault possible in President Trump, even inventing fake news stories, are the same media sources who remain silent over negative news about Joe Biden. Already cited was the claim that Biden sexually assaulted Tara Reade. The allegation against Biden is a million times more credible than the one against Kavanaugh ever was. There is a time, a place, and witnesses who Tara Reade told at the time of Biden’s assault, and now her mother allegedly called into Larry King about what happened to her daughter, Tara Reade.
Media sources that cater to the leftist aspect of this nation's political spectrum haven't even tried to hide their contempt for President Trump. Vile and inaccurate statement literally drip daily from the lips of liberal commentators. This contempt for President Trump began even before his official innagguration and became even more intense in the aftermath, out of anger that Hillary Clinton didn't win the presidency. Such behavior constitutes a refusal to accept the will of millions of Americans who voted for Trump in what was a fair election.
The same liberal sources who ignored or minimized the mistakes of former President Obama are presently extending that favor to Joe Biden. It should be unacceptable to the public when prominent media sources overtly promotes one candidate while claiming to be without bias, when facts prove otherwise. Even when President Trump does something good for this nation, liberal news sources keep his accomplishments hidden for the purpose of harming Trump's reelection bid in November.
Meanwhile, becoming increasingly apparent is that Joe Biden's is displaying early signs of dementia. By failing to cover this disturbing heath information, the liberal media is hiding information Americans have a right to know of one who could become president of this nation in November.
In Conclusion
At a time when this nation is so divided, it is unrealistic to depend on the media for verifiable and unbiased reporting. Instead, reports are tainted with bias directed at specific politicians, notably on the Republican side of the aisle.
It is the responsibility of every citizen to hold politicians and media sources accountable for what they say and report. Action must then be taken to disseminate the facts and pass them on to our friends, family, and neighbors.
November’s election might well be the most important election in many years. There exists in November a choice between maintaining our Constitutional Republic or a gradual slide into full-blown Socialism with government control over every aspect of our lives.
May Americans choose wisely, or those things we cherish most – our freedoms and liberty – will be remembered in future years as what we once had before a former generation of Americans unwisely rejected such time honored traditions.