Amid the Coronavirus Crisis, Heart and Stroke Patients Go Missing
That was the headline from the NYT of all places, picked up by other liberal outlets who had been ignoring this tragic issue for weeks while we’ve been sounding the alarm.
Remarkably, NYT, which stoked as much corona panic as anyone, now admits: "ERs have about half the normal number of patients, and heart and stroke units are nearly empty, according to doctors at many urban medical centers. Some medical experts fear more people are dying from untreated emergencies than from the coronavirus."
We're seeing these stories from all over the locked down world. We haven't seen U.S. data yet but suspect it looks similar to this chart from the UK:
And many docs also expect a surge in cancer deaths over the next several years, because of the lengthy ban in so-called nonessential medical procedures, including screenings, biopsies, and non-emergency surgeries.
It is increasingly likely that lockdown mania will kill more people than it saves even before considering the considerable health impacts of mass unemployment.