CHICAGO – Illinois' junior US Senator Tammy Duckworth succeeds in drumming up sympathy for the serious injuries she sustained while serving in the US military. Every American is thankful for the sacrifices she and all our troops have made and are committed to showing his appreciation when men and women that bear scars of those sacrifices run for political office. We want and need their input, voters think.
But during the time Duckworth has served with US Senator Dick Durbin, she's become more and more vocal in expressing what could be pent up anger – especially against the Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump. She was being considered for the vice-presidency bid with Biden, but lost out to Kamala Harris. She could be angry that she lost the chance to be Commander-in-Chief, succeeding Biden.
Observers are concerned that Duckworth's simmering animosity and hatred appears to be on the verge of an emotional explosion – all expressed with the purpose of raising funds to be re-elected to a second term in a few years. She may need counseling before then. At least anger control help.
Here's the fuming fundraising letter Duckworth's campaign sent out this week – in its entirety. In it, she leads with a statement that is an outright lie about the president. But it gets worse:
Feel the burn? That's one angry person. Someone needs to help her before she sends out another proof of growing instability – for her sake, as well as the U.S. Senate's and the U.S. itself.