Strict pandemic policies are putting health care providers in a position where they might be able to deny care for individuals who have chosen not to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines.
In October, the UCHealth health care system in Colorado denied a kidney transplant to an unvaccinated woman. Leilani Lutali, 56, was undergoing stage 5 renal failure and was in line to receive the transplant from donor Jaimee Fougner within months. Neither Lutali nor Fougner had received shots. A transplant or dialysis is usually necessary for survival for a patient with stage 5 renal failure.
UCHealth sent Lutali a letter informing her she “will be inactivated on the list for non-compliance by not receiving the COVID vaccine.” UCHealth gave her 30 days to begin the vaccination series, telling her that if she refused, she would be removed from the kidney transplant waiting list.