One of the more peculiar developments over the past few decades is the rather sudden transformation of America’s youth from independent-minded, anti-establishment, culture warriors into like-minded, pro-establishment, collectivist cowards.
Although the seeds of this conversion were planted years ago, they are now in full bloom.
Consider, for example, how America’s youth have reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic. For more than two years, thousands of colleges and high schools have remained closed for in-person learning for extended periods of time, literally ruining the lives of untold young Americans.
Ordinarily, at least in years past, this spectacle would have produced a backlash of epic proportions. See, for instance, college students’ Vietnam draft protests in the 1960s.
However, here we are in 2022, with millions of young Americans being deprived of a proper education, with nary a peep of protest.
In fact, instead of demonstrating against the tyrannical edicts that have turned their lives upside-down, it appears as if a significant number of young Americans actually agree with creeping authoritarianism.
The COVID-19 pandemic, or more rather, the authoritarian reaction to it, seems to sit all too well with today’s youth, which is something that should concern the rest of us.
The results of a new poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute illustrate the degree to which young Americans are acceptive of authoritarianism.