There is a parallel between Biden's plan and China's Central Propaganda Department. Helen Raleigh writes:
The Biden administration announced the establishment of the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) last week to be created within the Homeland Security Department (DHS), aiming to counter "misinformation related to homeland security."
There are many unknowns about DGB. For example, we don’t know how the members of DGB will be selected, what kind of power it will have, and how it defines misinformation. But the early signs are not promising. The vaguely defined roles and authorities of DGB have alarmed Americans, and many see the agency as the "Ministry of Truth" that George Orwell warned us about in his dystopian novel "1984."
But we don’t need to rely on a novel to foresee the harm DGB will do to our cherished freedom and the future of this Constitutional Republic. As someone who grew up in China’s authoritarian regime, I see the parallel between DGB and the Chinese government’s Central Propaganda Department (CPD).
[Helen Raleigh, "Biden's Disinformation Board is Authoritarian and Reminds Me of My Life in China," Fox News, May 5]