Rodin's "The Thinker" – Brittanica image
By Nancy Thorner -
An article I recently ran across stirred my thoughts – and, in my opinion – deserved special attention. I decided it would be best to simply excerpt and adapt the from a full report posted by Dave Daubenmire on June 2, 2022 titled, American's Can No Longer Think for Themselves.
- America hasn’t been the same since women were encouraged to act like men and men were encouraged to act like women.
- If an unborn human baby isn’t alive, why do they have to kill it?
- Perhaps gun control could start with not arming the Islamic terror group the Taliban with American weapons.
- Over 2200 future school age children died from abortion today. Multiple assassins – why do the Leftists approve mass killing of children in abortion; but not in schools? How about tax-funded ADOPTION? SAVE LIVES and make childless couples happy!
- Why do they think eliminating guns will end gun violence? Killers gonna kill like they do in cities where guns are already banned – CHICAGO, BALTIMORE …
- When President Kennedy was murdered why wasn't the rifle blamed?
- How do you explain free money to Ukraine … free baby formula to the border … free crack pipes to Americans? Government has become organized crime!
- $40 BILLION to Ukraine … but we couldn’t afford $10 billion for a wall on USA's Southern border.
- Why are private groups investigating election fraud and the government is not?