By Jack Lombardi, Opinion Contributor
The grassroots busted their rear-ends to help Illinois Republican candidates this past election cycle, and to ask “what are you doing then?” after being told they needed to donate money to voice their concerns is pompous at the very least.
Perhaps, ‘out-of-touch’ might best describe such a lack of appreciation for the grassroots.
The IL GOP’s strategy has always been to hook the big fish, of which they’re beholden to — but in many cases, the big fish controls both parties.
It’s no wonder why our state continues Left — the IL GOP is obsessed with money rather than winning.
If there was ever a time we need to reel in the IL GOP, it is now.
The IL GOP is unequipped to take on the Progressive movement, especially when it comes to social media and messaging. And the election in November proved that.
We need ‘fire’ in the Republican party, and then, and only then will donors start investing in Illinois.
It’s time the IL GOP leadership make way to the grassroots.
Jack Lombardi is an entrepreneur, businessman and owner of Chicago’s premiere digital marketing company. In 2022, he ran for US Congress in the 14th congressional district. Follow Jack on Twitter: @JackLombardi