By James P. Economos, DDS, Opinion Contributor
In what could be perceived as bit of having a “taste of their own medicine,” Facebook is being sued for not properly vetting a group called “Are we dating the same guy?” This is
good to see because these high tech giants for too long have been abusing people and groups without repercussion for their actions. This is a welcome sign of accountability which needs to be implemented as they have been abusive for far too long.
Facebook, owned by META Platforms, Inc, and many others have for years — censored, restricted, controlled or simply closed accounts for reasons’s described as going
against community standards — or it was “fact checked” and found not to be true. In other words, the fact checking kids in the basement said “no”, so off to Facebook jail you go! These companies have hid behind the Section 230 liability shield, allowing them to do this.
What is, “Are We Dating The Same Guy” all about? Ostensibly it was to warn people if a playboy type was seeing many others or being abusive, for example. While these may
have good intentions, they can be used as a weapon should someone desire to attack someone who may be innocent. History is replete of false charges, so maybe this will curb the abuse.
With the Illinois passage of the Doxing Act, it seems as if a lot of personal information has been shared without permission and anyone can post malicious information about someone with no evidence — therefore potentially damaging people’s reputations.
And recently, the Trent Law firm has filed suit to end the abuse some have experienced in the “Are We Dating The Same Guy” platform.
It’s time for some accountability — the madness has gone on for far too long.