By John F. Di Leo, Opinion Contributor
The Democratic Party and its spokesdroids have, for several holidays in a row now, warned people about the “difficult conversations” they were going to have around the Thanksgiving table, or the Christmas table, or at any other holiday gathering when large families would be together.
The official line has been that Republicans – or more specifically, “MAGA Republicans” – would pick fights with family members who admitted to voting for President Trump, especially if they ever dared to say that modern elections are anything other than “the cleanest and most honest election in the history of the universe.”
Generally speaking, vocal conservatives are used to being the exception at family gatherings, so to say that this was more than a little example of “projection” is putting it mildly. But still they have done it, and the Democrats have successfully convinced many of their youngest and most gullible acolytes to start fights first, to make Republican family members feel unwelcome at holiday time.
Left out of the discussion has been the fundamental purpose of the holidays in question themselves. There was a time, perhaps now long passed, when the subject matter at a holiday table wasn’t current events at all – not even theatre or sports or television.
There was a time when the Thanksgiving table was a time for catching up with family and showing gratitude to the good Lord for this great country. Similarly, religious holiday dinners on Christmas and Easter were centered around the church, and on catching up with each other on which former classmates we saw at church, which ones are back from college or back from the service, or visiting home after having moved away for their careers. Holiday dinners never were about elephants and donkeys duking it out.
But we have now been given a window into the minds of today’s Democrats. We know how they spend their holidays, and they want us all to spend them the same way: talking politics – not just general American politics, but advocating the divisive issue campaigns they champion. Your own family might not yet be in line, after all; it’s your job to talk them into the official message. It’s intersectionality; there’s no room for disagreement.
Nowhere could there be a better example than the experience of Easter Sunday, 2024.
Former Senator and Vice President Joe Biden, who has spent three years trying unsuccessfully to convince the world that he was elected to the Presidency in 2020, has always claimed to be “a devout Roman Catholic.”
And yet, his regime issued a proclamation that March 31, 2024 be “Transgender Day of Visibility.” That’s Easter Sunday, the highest religious holiday of the year, for the vast majority of American citizens.

Now, GLAAD and other such activists will rush to the microphone and declare that this has been an annual thing since 2010, that it’s always held on March 31, which may be true, though hardly anyone had heard of it until this year, when it “happened” to conflict with Easter. Last year, it was just one of those meaningless proclamations that politicians toss out at random to make some interest group feel important; nobody else pays attention to it.
But this year, March 31 fell on the day that almost all Christians celebrate Easter Sunday (the main exceptions being those of the Eastern rites, who use a different calendar).
Perhaps it would be inconvenient to change it, then?
Well, President Washington’s birthday is February 22; that doesn’t stop the politicians from celebrating it on a nearby Monday for convenience, so government workers can have a three-day weekend, does it?
The church itself has a policy on the matter: there is a standard annual church calendar concerning the readings for every day in Ordinary Time. Since Lent and Advent are special periods, those standard days’ schedules are set aside for the important holidays – Easter and Christmas.
Similarly, a White House ought to recognize that a complimentary day – no matter what it’s for, from history to sports, from profession to demographic group – should take second fiddle to such a high event as Easter, especially if its theme would be directly contrary to the subject that most Americans rightly have in mind on that day.
If the Biden-Harris regime really wanted to throw a compliment out to this poor, confused group of gender dysphoria sufferers, they could have picked some other day, rather than the holiest day in the calendar for some 90% of Americans.
But that wasn’t what they wanted to do.
There are legitimate challenges in our society, as there are in any society. There are people who suffer from all sorts of maladies, from physical diseases like multiple sclerosis and cancer, to mental illnesses such as depression and eating disorders. They deserve our compassion, and issuing proclamations to support the sufferers has a long and legitimate pedigree.
But that’s not their desire here.
The trans movement isn’t about helping people with gender dysphoria through the anguish of depression or a feeling of isolation; it’s about locking it in, convincing as many as possible to join this “movement.” It’s about exacerbating the problem by rushing physical mutilation, reversing generations of advances in legitimate women’s rights, and directly challenging the Judeo-Christian family of religions upon which our nation is based.
They delighted in the opportunity to replace Resurrection Sunday – the holiest of holidays, the very foundation of the Christian family of religions – with an offensive championing of an anti-Christian, anti-human message, the idea that God makes mistakes, that a person born male or female should be encouraged to attempt to artificially reverse his or her sex through use of surgery, pharmaceuticals, and artificial implants.
It is an outrage, perhaps most of all because it is disguised as a generous action of support for the victim, but there is nothing further from the truth.
The evidence is in. Those who undergo these operations suffer longterm, usually permanent pain, and their bodies will never really work right again. For the rest of their lives, it will hurt to go to the bathroom, it will hurt to have sex; they will be sterile for life, and their likelihood of committing suicide increases by leaps and bounds.
A man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man. Yes, they can be robbed of the full functionality of the sex they were born with, but they can never be given anything comparable with which to replace what has been taken.
We should have compassion for those suffering from gender dysphoria; when something is so wrong that a person feels uncomfortable in his own skin, he needs guidance, care, support.
He doesn’t need a bunch of corrupt politicians and greedy hospitals, jumping at the chance to grift millions of tax and insurance dollars out of his case, while ensuring that his life is ruined.
Of all the callous disregard for American lives that we have seen from the Democratic Party over the centuries, from their early adoption of black slavery to their lethal resettlement of American Indians, from their incarceration of Asians during WWII to their adoration of abortion since 1973, this current campaign may be the most shocking.
To specifically take people in need of help, and then champion their mutilation – to recognize a sadness and then do everything in their power to make it worse – this is an abuse of authority without precedent.
The sooner this lot is thrown out of office – and the sooner this government is purged of their toxic philosophies – the better off the world will be.
Copyright 2024 John F. Di Leo