By Illinois Review
In political scenes expected in countries like Russia, China and North Korea, where opposing voices are silenced and jailed, the progressive liberal Downers Grove Library Board is targeting one of its own – a fiscally conservative board member, who continues to question how taxpayer dollars are being spent.
As reported late Thursday by Awake Illinois, on February 28th, the Downers Grove Library Board voted 5-0 to censure fellow board member Bill Nienburg “for sharing non-confidential information with a Downers Grove taxpayer regarding a window painting policy at the library.” The unanimous vote, taken in retaliation for providing a taxpayer with transparency on a policy matter, occurred when Nienburg was out of town and unable to defend himself.
Nienburg, who began serving on the board in 2022, and whose term expires in 2028, has quickly made a name for himself as a fiscal hawk who consistently holds the board accountable for how they spend taxpayer dollars. Nienburg also frequently asks tough questions – challenging his fellow board members on policies, proposals and more importantly – how money is being spent. Uncomfortable with his governing style, the board has moved swiftly through intimidation, to silence his voice. On March 5th, the board voted 4-3 to investigate Nienburg’s removal.
The board remains controversial. In October 2022, the board planned a Drag Queen Bingo Night for school-aged children in grades 7-12. And during that same year, taxpayers were left paying $86,000 for a sloppy report that was thrown together by copying and pasting information from a previous consulting firm’s work and portrayed Downers Grove as a racist community. The board has also removed reciting the Pledge of Allegiance during board meetings – a move that disrespects 16.2 million veterans, 2.8 million active duty personnel and 430,000 National Guard members.
And a few days ago, on April 9th, a former library employee spoke out during a board meeting and bravely shared “her experience of sexual and criminal harassment from library patrons and the lack of response from the library administration.” And as reported by Awake Illinois, when she filed her complaint, she was “placed on an employee improvement plan for failing to follow library protocol.” Frustrated, humiliated, voiceless and abandoned, she resigned. But unafraid, she has now gone public.
In America, one of the many advantages to living in this great country is the freedom of speech and the ability to question our leaders without fear or retribution. Unfortunately, boards like the Downers Grove Library Board have now joined the ranks of Xi Jinping in China, Vladimir Putin in Russia and Kim Jong Un in North Korea – where opposing voices are humiliated, silenced and removed, altogether.
Local residents have begged the question: Will the Downers Grove Village Board stand up for American principles or will they succumb to out-of-touch progressive liberal policies? Only time will tell. The next council meeting is Tuesday, April 16th at 7:00 pm.
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