By John F. Di Leo, Opinion Contributor
Of the many disgusting horrors brought to the United States by the failed Biden-Harris regime, one of the oddest – which has become a particular focus of social media in recent weeks – is the penchant of some of our millions of illegal aliens for stealing other people’s animals and cooking them.
President Trump knows the pulse of the American people; he knows that this is going on and that it’s on American minds right now, so he brought it up at this week’s debate. In mentioning the many dangers posed by the millions of illegals whom Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have ushered into the United States, he listed this one as one of those many dangers, citing recent reports from Springfield, Ohio.
Immediately, true to her nature, Kamala Harris denied the truth, claiming it wasn’t happening,
Also immediately, true to their nature, the two ABC puppets backed her up, doubling down on the lie that this isn’t happening at all. David Muir even claimed to have spoken to Springfield, Ohio’s mayor, who scoffed at the whole idea. Worth noting: this mayor is already currently under threat of a recall action for his – and his colleagues – irresponsible disregard for the conditions of a city overrun with criminal illegals.
Note that this is an easily provable story, backed up by plenty of respected media news stories and also supported by tons of private video shared all over the internet. It would be impossible for anyone to deny this story with a straight face without being a pathological liar. But then, as we’ve seen from numerous other examples of their handiwork, these three are indeed exactly that.
The rest of the press quickly joined in. Within 24 hours, the Associated Press was posting articles claiming that bigotry in America is often demonstrated by xenophobes making fun of the cooking choices of immigrants. They named Italian-Americans and Chinese-Americans as examples of people whom other Americans have derided over their cooking methods.
Since it’s impossible that these talking heads could be that dense, we must assume that they do know, full well, the objection has nothing to do with bigotry. The objection has to do with property rights and public health, and to some extent, the dangers of barbaric cult practices as well.
President Trump – along with virtually all normal, real, American citizens – is horrified not at the recipes these people are using, but at the fact that they don’t own the animals they’re cooking.
The reports – from all over the country – are that certain groups of illegal aliens (the news of the day concerns Haitians, but it applies to other illegal aliens as well) are stealing other people’s animals to cook.
Remember, these are people in the most privileged welfare class there is:
Regular American citizens who are down on their luck have to fill out applications, prove their need, show their personal history, to get on a waiting list for public housing or a nursing home or Medicaid or food stamps. It takes time and effort for Americans to get government benefits.
But illegal aliens are met at the border by representatives of various Democrat Party associated organizations, to provide legal aid in pleading their illegitimate refugee claims, to bus them to publicly funded hotel rooms, to deliver taxpayer-paid food, to enroll their kids in taxpayer-funded schools. The Democrats kicked their old “favored groups” to the curb years ago, to make room for the new favored groups.
If you’re Hispanic or Nigerian or Filipino and your siblings or aunts or nephews have been waiting in line for permission to immigrate for five years, that’s not enough; they have to wait even longer.
But if you just joined a caravan and poured across our southern border illegally, or overstayed a student visa or work visa when you should have returned home, then the Biden-Harris regime gives you a hug, a lawyer, a SNAP card and a hotel room key.
Back to the animal stories.
Credible reports include gangs of illegal aliens stealing the pets – the dogs and cats – from the yards or homes of law-abiding citizens, to skin them and cook them.
Credible reports include gangs of aliens catching wild geese on the road, snapping their necks and walking home with them to skin and cook them.
Credible reports include gangs of aliens stealing and cooking the ducks from public and private ponds and lakes, in housing complexes and office parks, where the property owners have cultivated a comfortable environment for the ducks, as part of an aesthetically enjoyable environment.
The media – ever so quick to defend their precious Marxists – claim that we normal Americans are bigots for being horrified by this.
They’re wrong.
We don’t object to the eating of cattle or pigs, chicken or deer. As long as they are raised for the purpose, or if wild, legally hunted for the purpose, we are completely in favor of it. Humans are omnivores; we don’t object to the eating of animals.
The evil involved in this frightening trend concerns the alien practice of theft, their disregard for property rights, their refusal to abide by the rule of law.
They’re not raising their own chickens or pigs; they’re stealing other people’s cats and dogs. There is a difference.
They’re not getting a hunting license and legally hunting one or two deer per season, they’re hunting without a permit, stealing wild birds, in some cases, birds protected under conservationalist regulations.
If you or I – as normal citizens – were to steal and kill and eat our neighbor’s pet, we would not only be prosecuted and sued, we would be ostracized by our community, and rightly so.
If you so much as hit a Canadian goose with your car in some states, and a policeman sees you, you’re ticketed for the violation. Why doesn’t the same law apply to these gatecrashers?
This issue is real – and it’s worthy of mention in a presidential debate – not just because of the individual value of the animal in question, but because of what it means in the larger context:
Not only do many of these illegal aliens have no respect for the rule of law, the Democrat Party has no respect for it either. And furthermore, the Democrat Party is showing that they have no respect for the property rights of the citizenry.
You would expect a political party that claims to be compassionate, that claims to support regular folks, the average worker and the real American family, to be horrified at the prospect of criminals violently hunting down protected species, and stealing the ducks from a park, and killing a family’s precious pet.
But the Democrat Party doesn’t really have compassion, or respect, or even their long-claimed dedication to the flora and fauna of the planet; they are just tied to whatever interest group looks mostly likely on a given day to further their marxist agenda.
And at the moment, goose-baking, cat-stewing illegal aliens fit that bill.
So if we call them on it, we must be prepared for a loud string of vitriol; whenever the Left has no good response to an issue, they attack whoever’s calling them on it. What else can they do?
When you import a people, you import their culture.
This isn’t news to anybody, least of all the Democrats. Every bit of this – every crime, every attack, ever inhuman horror – is part of their plan.
Because if it wasn’t, they would have kept the border closed.
Copyright 2024 John F. Di Leo
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