SPRINGFIELD – Illinois lawmakers are once again trying to chip away at parental rights, this time going after homeschool families with HB2827, a bill that would force new restrictions and government oversight on those who choose to educate their children at home. For decades, homeschooling families in Illinois have enjoyed the freedom to educate their kids as they see fit, free from bureaucratic interference. But now, lawmakers want to change that with a bill that would require annual reporting, portfolio reviews, and even qualifications for parents who homeschool.
For over 70 years, Illinois has been one of the freest states for homeschooling. Parents have had the right to choose their curriculum, pace, and teaching methods without answering to state officials. But HB2827 would strip away those freedoms, placing homeschool families under the watchful eye of the same government that has failed public school students across the state. Instead of fixing Illinois’ broken education system, lawmakers are focused on controlling families who choose to opt out.
The numbers paint a grim picture. In 30 Illinois public schools, not a single student reads at grade level. Yet rather than addressing these staggering failures, state officials are going after families who are actually taking responsibility for their children’s education. The same politicians who let Illinois schools crumble now want to regulate parents who are making sure their kids actually learn.
This isn’t the first time lawmakers have tried to tighten their grip on homeschooling. In 2011, a similar attempt to impose state oversight on homeschoolers was met with massive opposition. Thousands of parents pushed back, flooding the system with witness slips and forcing lawmakers to back down. In 2021, over 60,000 witness slips helped kill another bad bill. And now, with HB2827 on the table, it’s time to fight back again.
Parents across Illinois are mobilizing to oppose this bill, submitting witness slips to send a clear message: stay out of our homes, stay out of our classrooms, and let parents do their job. It takes just five minutes to submit a witness slip opposing HB2827, but every slip counts. Lawmakers need to know that Illinois families will not stand for this attack on their rights.
The state government has already proven it can’t handle public education. Schools across Illinois are failing students year after year, yet the focus is on increasing government power over families who don’t rely on the system. Parents are the best educators for their own children, not bureaucrats who answer to teachers’ unions and special interest groups.
This bill is about more than just paperwork. It’s about control. If HB2827 passes, it will set a dangerous precedent. What starts as “simple oversight” could quickly turn into mandated curriculums, home inspections, and further restrictions on parental rights. Illinois lawmakers have shown time and time again that they never stop at one regulation—there is always another law, another rule, another way to chip away at freedoms.
That’s why homeschool families and freedom-loving Illinoisans need to act now. Lawmakers must hear from the public loud and clear: HB2827 is unacceptable. Illinois parents do not need permission from the state to educate their children. The state should focus on fixing its failing schools instead of trying to micromanage families who are doing the job themselves.
The fight is on, and time is short. Every parent who values their right to direct their children’s education needs to submit a witness slip against HB2827 and encourage others to do the same. The link is here:
Submit a witness slip now:
Parents stopped bad legislation before, and they can do it again. The question is: will lawmakers listen, or will they force their failed education policies onto homeschool families next?